What Is a Must Move Poker Table?

A must move poker table is a table that acts as an overflow table for when the main table in a casino is full. When a seat at the main table clears up, players at the must move table must be moved over to that game (hence the name). This ensures that the casino doesn’t have to merge half empty tables.

Can I Stay Seated at a Must Move Table?

In general the casino doesn’t care who stays seated at the must move table so long as someone moves up, but players may want to play at the must move table for their own reasons. For example, they may prefer their neighbor’s odor or they might find that it is easier to read the board cards from a certain seat. In these cases the dealer should give you a seat change button, which will reserve your right of first refusal to move into a vacant seat as soon as one opens up.

What Order Do Players Move from the Must Move Table?

In most casinos the player who has been at a must move table the longest is given the opportunity to move to the main table first. However, some casinos have a different system in place which is typically dictated by their house rules.

In addition to the must move table, there are also “must play” and “rewards” tables. The must play and reward tables are generally of the same format as the main games, but are only available to those who meet a specific criteria. For example, a rewards table might be offered to those who have played at the same table for an hour or longer.